Monthly Styling Subscription

from $125.00 every month

Pick 1, 2, or 3 Looks per month. This is a reoccurring fee charged to your account every month. Stylist has 2 weeks to deliver the looks after payment has been drafted. Please speak with Stylist before booking.


Pick 1, 2, or 3 Looks per month. This is a reoccurring fee charged to your account every month. Stylist has 2 weeks to deliver the looks after payment has been drafted. Please speak with Stylist before booking.

Pick 1, 2, or 3 Looks per month. This is a reoccurring fee charged to your account every month. Stylist has 2 weeks to deliver the looks after payment has been drafted. Please speak with Stylist before booking.

Quarterly Style Subscription
from $300.00 every 3 months
* Special Quarterly Subscription 4 Looks a quarter
$375.00 every 3 months
Yearly Style Subscription
from $550.00 every 12 months